So I’m a little late to this particular hate fest, but during an interview with the Post, the reporter allerted me to an article in Slate (I won’t even deign to link to it) that ponders whether bacon has “jumped the shark”!
The answer is no.
But what reporter in what soiled swivel chair in what airless 1000th-floor office dreamed up this particular piece of hate speech? Hey, let’s destroy something beautiful and precious and wonderful like bacon! What a scoop! I can understand hating on skinny jeans and faux-hawks and sunglasses at night, but bacon? The fact that bacon is getting a little bit more love than usual in this day in age is a GOOD THING! Bacon is hip right now? I love 2009! I think we are finally witnessing the limits of media power, when they try and fail to knock bacon of its pedestal. Hating on bacon is kind of like telling a child there is no Santa Clause, when of course there is a Santa Clause.
Oh and here’ s a picture of me dressed up to look like said jolly old elf. I once worked in an office, and the higher ups made me be Santa Clause for their kids. I ho ho-ed and gave them each an Ipod (I know). Actually I got a bottle of Black Label for my troubles. So I really shouldn’t be that mad.