As part of the NYFFF Press junket (I think that’s what they call it- a junket) Matt Timms was invited to speak and promote the Grits Takedown, June 27 at a culinary Mecca – The James Beard House!! Who ever thought this could happen??! The second he approached the mic, the press went into a mad frenzy, peppering the humble genius with queries about the Takedown! I was like, WHOAH SETTLE DOWN YOU GUYS! I LOVE ME TOO!

The press, wolfing down gourmet snacks to muster strength for their barrage of questions! Some trivia: my vantage point is the shower area, from which JB would shower naked for the world to see!
If I don’t brag and blog about this, it will be as if it never happened… Serious thanks to George Motz and Seth Unger, producers of the New York Food Film Festival, for inviting me to attend.

I quickly sumarize the brilliance of the upcoming Grits Takedown. Jaws were on the FLOOR. Please note JB on the wall, listening if he could. So rad.

me in JB's bedroom (there's mirrors on his ceiling becuz JB could bring the funk like no other) with the super awesome NYFFF poster!

See? Wasn't kidding about the mirrors on the ceiling. Nice one JB...