Category Archives: Celeb Interview
Looking down the barrel of some FUN.
A fairly damp summer, cheered only by the latest BL product- BL Lime, which is perfect. I went to the beach once, and have the beginnings of a cocoa tan. And I have Takedowns on the way!!! So nobody panic … Continue reading
NY Times double fist pump!
The Tofu Takedown got two blasts of recognition from the Grey Lady! (That is slang for the biggest paper of the whole wide world the NY Times, dudes.) OMG, remember all you naysayers who said tofu stinks and no way … Continue reading
Soy Toys and Tofu Mamas mingle at Takedown
Thank you to all the 17 cooks who showed up with barrels of tofu food, each one a warrior vying for Takedown Glory! Thank you Highline Ballroom!!! This takedown was amazing- definitely favoring the sweet over the savory- definitely savoring … Continue reading
Takedown Posters – hot to trot!!!
Email me to get in line for a limited edition Bacon Takedown Poster prints- featuring our intrepid Warrior Princess riding her warpig to battle! These heavy stock, beautifully printed posters are selling fast, so get on the list as Matt … Continue reading
Takedown supports helping people!
On March 7-8th, (International Women’s Day) in New York, Women Restaurants Owners Support a Remarkable Nonprofit’s Scholarship Fund (New York, NY) — On March 7-8, (Saturday and Sunday) New York women-owned restaurants and women chefs will celebrate International Women’s Day, … Continue reading
Cathy Erway – Chili Celebrity Gone Wild!
So guess what? The new “blog” look for the Takedown is such a hit, people are bashing down my door to be a part of it! When I begged celebrity foodie Cathy Erway for an interview, she didn’t not not … Continue reading
Karol Lu – A Portrait in Intimidation Tactics
Long time friend of the Takedown, and foe to everyone else, Karol Lu stands as a symbol for excellence. Also lies and deciet. For years, Karol has used her chili prowess to reduce Takedown fans to quivering lumps. She’s cooked … Continue reading