Great SCOTT! It’s impossible to gauge how much blood was let at this particular bloodletting, but all Bostonians now agree: the takedown is a SMASH WIZZ SUPER HIT!!!! This Sunday at Great Scott, the world-famous Chili Takedown set up shop in Boston, and reduced a crowd to TEARS with the best Boston chili the world has ever known!!! Proving beyond a doubt that Texas is no longer necessary!!!
All the chilis were brilliant! THANK YOU FOR ENTERING, CHILI CHEFS!!!!
Pictures by Joseph Webb of Boston Magazine!!!
Here’s the winners:
#1: Rob Primmer and Peter Sedlak – Smoked Bacon, Pork and Country Short Rib Chili WINS A $100 SHUN KNIFE
#2: Anthony Priestas – Rockhound Chili – Beef and Buffalo WINS A $50 SHUN KNIFE
#1 Zap Travis – Many Zappa Ingredients Chili WINS A $250 Shun Knife!!!
#2 Mark Chandler – Beef/Pork/Chicken/Chorizo/Chocolate Chili WINS $50
AND Ace Daforno and Skip Carrio – Ace and Skip’s Steak Chili WINS $50
#3 Mercedes Fereck – Turkey Chili WINS $25 AND Mike Johnson – Chili WINS $25